12/10/2008 @2:21:00 PM
through a hectic week fillled with tornadoes and hurricanes, i'm indeed so happy i made it through.
every minute i spend with youa series of scary emotional and horrible events. which i had no idea how they happened - probably largely due to my insensitivity (and pms?). but thankfully, people were patient with me.
through all the bad or good times we hadso i enjoyed my well deserved weekend with a little jc escape with cy and lennard. which was rather fun since we caught up quite a bit after so long.
i'm so glad you were always there for meand then my saturday passed like a dream. so much that it was so hard for me to get back to reality. and study.
even though you're so busyi love times like this, when you feel like the entire world has stopped for you, and when you close your eyes, you can feel everything that has happened.
you pushed me on and encouraged me
then it's time to get back seriously. test 2mr, and on friday. lab report on monday.
darling, i love you so.but i'll patiently (i hope) await the next dreamland escape. <3
06/10/2008 @10:52:00 AM
there comes a time, when you feel like your clique has been torn apart by everyone's different timetables and everyone's different commitments.
i feel horrible.
as much as i hope for the fun of year 1 to return, i guess i need to learn to be more independent.
i must, and stop relying on people.
screw this. i hate uni life.
6 weeks to exams. wtf.