14/08/2009 @12:07:00 AM
it's been 2 years in this school.
as i start my 3rd year, (well not exactly start in school since i'm on attachment) i feel a totally different way of thinking come to me.
recently i started thinking about my future. i know i definitely don't wanna be a teacher. and i would very much like to be a chemist. but seeing what i do in my internship now doesnt really make me a pure chemist in the lab kind. i'm very technical based, although i know it'll help me alot if i do go out to look for a lab related job next time. then again, i really love lab. organic lab esp. i know some people will think i'm crazy if i say this.
why is it so hard to score in organic chem but still love it so much. is doing lab research? i don't like research but i'm totally contradictng myself.
what in the world do i want to do?
a million hearts sent out to alan in germany. he spoke.. well msned to me about stuff in the chemical industry. at least i have a better idea of what i can do, and what i cant, and what is out there for me. i think my future might be pretty narrowed judging by the fact that i want very exact things.
and then it makes me think. will i be happy with my first job? will i get bored so quickly that i don't last through any job?
if all goes well, i'll probably have graduated this time next year, with any luck, i'd have started my first job.
looking at alan kwek, he seems to be doing something totally off from his major. i wonder if i might do that next time, though i cant think of anything else that would interest me in a job aspect.
i wonder if graduating with a bachelor is enough? definitely not enough to do major research. but is it enough to allow me to survive in the real world? they say studying is not all. you need experience too. i might actually learn more if i go out and work, instead of being stuck in school.
i know, i'm constantly contradicting myself in this entry. but don' mind me. its just weird to suddenly start realising and then worrying about your future.
school is definitely more fun than working. less stress too. but sooner or later, everyone has to go out to work. the earlier the better aint it? probably trying to comfort myself. but oh well. i guess i'll let the issues stay like this for now and not confuse myself any further, or change my stand in anyway.
science club. the past year has led me to see things at a different angle in science club. i don't really want to rant about stuff here at such a time. so i guess i'll leave things as such now. hope the new mc will be able to achieve great things in their term of office.
jiayou 30thMC.
jiayou simone. zihan's leaving in 2 weeks time. sometimes i dunno if i should be feeling like this.
its just hard to think about such things. i've been putting this at the back of my mind for weeks now. but as time draws near, things get harder to push away.
2 people asked me the same question at the same time. it broke my heart.
i wish december would come faster. and to think that he hasnt even left.
well, i'm a grown up now. i should stop whining about such stuff and make my next 4 months as pleasant as possible. loving and making more friends around the place.
as they always say, distraction always works.